Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The latest...

Some things have been going on here at Happy Dog and now that the holidays are over and gone and everything has gone back to normal, I thought I would fill in the gap that I am hoping you can forgive me for.  I had a little while there where I didn't have much to say, and then the holidays hit and OOF.  I sure loved how action packed it was while it happened, but it's nice to be back to normal.

A little before the holidays, my old dog Jimmy faded completely health wise, and as I could no longer justify making him continue, I went ahead and let my buddy of 13 years go.  Though it was absolutely the right decision, I miss him terribly.  He was such a good guy, and I very much doubt there will be another like the James.

Once Jim had passed on, Tabitha started to deteriorate at a rapid pace.  She had already been having a very tough time with the transition from her usually low key, quiet life, where she was used to my undivided attention, to the very busy schedule, go go go, constant traffic of other dogs, Happy Dog life style.  I personally believe that the absence of her constant companion (she had Jim with her since 9 weeks of age) was just too much for her to bear on top of the life style switch.  She became a very different dog than I was used to, sad and obviously not enjoying life at all.  I tried to help her along but nothing really helped and she continued on her downtrodden downward spiral.  Two of my close friends who love her (and are adored by her), had offered to take her for breaks here and there before Jim was gone.  They had backed off after Jim was gone, not wanting to double whammy me.  I ended up discussing it with them and Tabitha went to spend some time at their home.  She was picked up on a day she was completely despondent due to the day presenting a larger and more boisterous playgroup, and she never looked back.  She was transformed.  The undivided attention paired with one older (and awesome) Scotty dog to spend her time with throughout the day was exactly what she needed.  I was sent picture after picture of the happy looking Tabitha I remember.  Due to the immediate and obvious change, my friends and I decided she could simply stay with them until the end of her days.  As much as I miss Tabitha, I cannot think of a better situation for her to be in and it is clear she cannot either.  She comes to visit, and as much as we are psyched to see each other, she heads for the door when it is time to go and never looks back.  It's a bittersweet situation.  I might miss Tabitha, but I love her enough that I would rather her away from me and happy, than with me and miserable.  She's too good a girl to deny that to.

Luckily for me, I have two long term boarders so when I was personally "dogless" I had these two cuties to keep me company while I finished up the holiday madness and then started to decide what to do without a furry partner in crime.

Izzi & Lexie
As much as I was reminded that I am surrounded by dogs all the time, and as much as I might love them all like they are my own, it's not the same as having my own.  After making certain Tabitha was completely happy in her new (and that her new home was completely happy with her), I started looking around for another buddy who needed a home.  I ended up finding a little one online and filled out the adoption application.  And that is how I ended up with little Tommy Two Guns Gone Fishing.  Tommy came into my life 1/12/2013 at 12 weeks of age and he is really doing well.  He's a really good little guy.  

Ready to pick up the Playgroup!

Making friends is exhausting...
Not only is he doing wonderfully, everyone who comes into my home is doing wonderfully with him.  I truly cannot think of a better group of dogs to show a new puppy the ropes of life.  They are all so patient, fun and understanding all while teaching him how to have excellent boundaries.  If only all puppies could be this lucky.  

Ember & Tommy

Riggins & Tommy

After he is a little older, I am planning to get him out and about where other people and dogs play.  If anyone knows any super great local areas to take your dog to, please, let me know.

I am going to try and stay abreast of this blog a little better than I have in the past.  

If there is anything you would like discussed or reviewed, you just let me know and I will do my best on that subject matter.

Have a tail wagging type of day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pup's full name, which is longer than the pooch himself. Congrats on making these difficult transitions and thx for keeping us abreast of the changes at HD. TTDGF has found a great home. He's a little pint and completely adorable.
