Saturday, September 8, 2012

Playgroup additions

So you know who has gone and how much we miss them, but how about who is new and how much we are enjoying getting to know them?  I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of dogs.  Everyone is so well mannered and kind and the dogs coming in just make the playgroup even more of a pleasure.  

And now!...  drum roll please...

Paddington joined playgroup a little while back and he is a great addition.  He's a mellow dude who will play here and there, but mostly enjoys roaming about, starting the occasional pee war, and hanging out in "dog fort".  He's a no nonsense type of guy, but underneath that aloof exterior is a heart of gold and a super affectionate demeanor.

Don't worry Paddington, you constant adoration will be our little secret.  Until I blog about it anyway...

Next up is little Henry.  Last week was his first week in playgroup and I was a little leery.  Sometimes very young puppies can disrupt a group of adults with their endless puppy antics, but Henry is fitting in so perfectly it's unbelievable.  He's great at respecting boundaries and watches the others for cues and he is a champion player.  He, Anna and Riggins are like the three Stooges, running around with each other having the time of their lives.  I am truly enjoying Henry and I am so glad I gave him a chance.

Henry:  Too cool for school, but never too cool for playgroup.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The grass sometimes is always greener

Another one of our best players has moved on to a life with large grassy backyards and a freedom that simply isn't found this close to the city.  It's funny, because when I say best player, I mean best player.  Black Jack is one of those guys who is always up for a good time.  He's the "I'm in" guy.  Whenever anyone wanted to romp, all they had to do was look in Black Jack's general direction and he was ready to go.  He will be sorely missed by us all, but most of all to those of us who were in constant need of a good hard romp about the yard.  We have been assured we will see him again for things like boarding purposes and I for one am looking forward to that time.

Did someone say let's go outside and play?!  

As for other breaking news on the Happy Dog front, there is now a new fence that helps keep the more active merrymaking to itself until it becomes more of a dull roar.

That orange construction fence was just so...    Let's put it like this:  I'm not even putting a before picture, that's how much I didn't like it and I don't feel like you should be subjected to it's ugliness.  There, I said it.  And of course there was the occasional bump by a large body that quite literally snapped the posts.  They were old and thin, and serious horseplay does nothing good to old wooden fence posts.  So up went the other and I have to say, as much as it was a heap of hard work, I like it.  I no longer need to be worried about any type of destruction caused by the simple action of leaning too hard and they no longer have to listen to me fret over something silly.  That's a win/win in my book.  Unbridled, laughter inducing fun is so much better than the type of fun where someone keeps saying "careful now, come on now, over here, no no now, play over here you guys..." wouldn't you agree?