Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh, na na, what's my name?

Holy moly!  Where HAVE you been?  Sorry you guys.  Had a little rough patch there and the interwebz was the last thing on my mind for a bit.  After this, I'll download all the new pictures onto Facebook.

Something came up the other day that had me thinking of you all.  A playgroup dog had lost her identification tag.  You know the one?  Name, phone, address?  Yup, that one.

A while back I was about to make up new tags for my dogs as one of the numbers on the tags was no longer current.  I was talking to an old dog loving friend of mine while creating the tags.  She told me to make the next ones without their names on there and instead put the word REWARD, and here's why:

Side note:  I am not usually into feeding any type of paranoid frenzy but this made sense to me and I thought I would pass it on.

Horror of horrors, you have somehow misplaced your favorite fuzzy friend.  Now although anxiety ridden about their general welfare, you know that with the microchip (they ARE microchipped right?), tags, and loose dogs running amok being generally frowned upon, they can't stay missing for very long.  With those things on your side, let's pretend someone does in fact find your buddy and they start reading the tags.  They now know your dog's name and were they awful enough to simply decide keep your dog, it wouldn't be that hard of a switch.

The better thing to do, is skip the name and instead put the word REWARD in big old capital letters.  Tabitha has the kind of tag which has writing on the front and back.  The front reads REWARD and the back has my phone number, email address and street address.  As for Jimmy, his was always NEEDS SEIZURE MEDICATION and then REWARD, followed by the phone, email and street address on the flip side.

Remember, you want to tell them anything that is absolutely necessary and then let them know they have a positive reinforcement coming their way for getting in touch with you.  People love incentives and usually act upon them.  :)

Now, other than someone calling Tabitha "Reward" for a while after meeting her and reading her tags instead of asking her name, it's been a pretty fool proof plan for me.  Although, I don't have many mishaps with my dogs, so I might not be the most reliable source on the subject.  Like I said, just thought it worth a mention for the next time you make up tags.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Playgroup additions

So you know who has gone and how much we miss them, but how about who is new and how much we are enjoying getting to know them?  I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of dogs.  Everyone is so well mannered and kind and the dogs coming in just make the playgroup even more of a pleasure.  

And now!...  drum roll please...

Paddington joined playgroup a little while back and he is a great addition.  He's a mellow dude who will play here and there, but mostly enjoys roaming about, starting the occasional pee war, and hanging out in "dog fort".  He's a no nonsense type of guy, but underneath that aloof exterior is a heart of gold and a super affectionate demeanor.

Don't worry Paddington, you constant adoration will be our little secret.  Until I blog about it anyway...

Next up is little Henry.  Last week was his first week in playgroup and I was a little leery.  Sometimes very young puppies can disrupt a group of adults with their endless puppy antics, but Henry is fitting in so perfectly it's unbelievable.  He's great at respecting boundaries and watches the others for cues and he is a champion player.  He, Anna and Riggins are like the three Stooges, running around with each other having the time of their lives.  I am truly enjoying Henry and I am so glad I gave him a chance.

Henry:  Too cool for school, but never too cool for playgroup.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The grass sometimes is always greener

Another one of our best players has moved on to a life with large grassy backyards and a freedom that simply isn't found this close to the city.  It's funny, because when I say best player, I mean best player.  Black Jack is one of those guys who is always up for a good time.  He's the "I'm in" guy.  Whenever anyone wanted to romp, all they had to do was look in Black Jack's general direction and he was ready to go.  He will be sorely missed by us all, but most of all to those of us who were in constant need of a good hard romp about the yard.  We have been assured we will see him again for things like boarding purposes and I for one am looking forward to that time.

Did someone say let's go outside and play?!  

As for other breaking news on the Happy Dog front, there is now a new fence that helps keep the more active merrymaking to itself until it becomes more of a dull roar.

That orange construction fence was just so...    Let's put it like this:  I'm not even putting a before picture, that's how much I didn't like it and I don't feel like you should be subjected to it's ugliness.  There, I said it.  And of course there was the occasional bump by a large body that quite literally snapped the posts.  They were old and thin, and serious horseplay does nothing good to old wooden fence posts.  So up went the other and I have to say, as much as it was a heap of hard work, I like it.  I no longer need to be worried about any type of destruction caused by the simple action of leaning too hard and they no longer have to listen to me fret over something silly.  That's a win/win in my book.  Unbridled, laughter inducing fun is so much better than the type of fun where someone keeps saying "careful now, come on now, over here, no no now, play over here you guys..." wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This isn't goodbye

I am truly feeling a little emotional while I enter this blog post.  Some of our clients are moving (or have moved) away and I am surprised by how effected I am.  Now don't get me wrong here - I get emotional after dropping anyone off after a long stay with us.  I get attached and I am not ashamed to say so.  I would rather it be this way to be honest.  It shows me just how much the pets mean to me.  The day I stop getting a little choked up, is the day I stop providing pet care.  That said, I don't see that day coming up any time in the near future.  I love what I do and the emotion is a huge part of it.  There is no passion without some kind of emotion right?

What is ridiculous is that I know I will still be used for boarding and other things that come up along the way that I can provide for.  Still.  I have known some of these dogs for years.  It's like a friend moving away.  Scratch that - it is a friend moving away.  You know you'll see them again, and you're happy they are moving on to a new and exciting adventure, but you're going to miss them like crazy.

Mel & Daisy
Mel is one of the first dogs I knew through Happy Dog years ago when I first walked for Mike.  I have known Mel since he was a young buck and I have loved him since the day I met him.  Mel just wants to be loved like crazy and even if you don't have the time to have your hands all over him, he's nearby loving you as hard as he can until you find the time.  I got to know Daisy when she joined him a few years back and she is such a feisty, fun little girl.  Daisy is super at teamwork and she always knows her job description which usually means she sits super still while you do the work.  She is especially great at helping around the office.  They are a great pair.  The most awesome part of them is how intensely Mel has Daisy's back.  He is the ultimate big brother, and she knows it.  Nothing will ever happen to Daisy so long as Mel is around.  We even refer to him as Super Mel Defender of All Things Innocent.  Daisy got the name Daisy Raises Sunshine and it fits her perfectly.  They were with me five days a week and I will miss them both tremendously until their next stay with us.

Ah Josie Josie Jose.  Josie is the perfect little girl.  Always so happy and wagging her tail while looking at you with the sweetest expression.  She joined us for playgroup every week and to have her go is heart wrenching.  I have only known Josie for a couple of years now but I feel like I have known her for much much longer.  She's got that personality you immediately click with and feel at ease around no matter the circumstance.  I truly miss watching her sunbathe in the yard or romp about in the yard with the bigger dogs.  Josie might be on the small side, but man can that girl play hard.  I know she's moving on to bigger and better, but there is definitely a huge gap that will be very hard to fill.   

When I got the news that Lily Jean was moving, I immediately thought "oh my god, please make this nightmare end" and seriously had to take a moment to collect myself.  She is another dog I have known for almost a decade.  Lily and I have history people.  I have so many pictures of Lily, in so many different places, it's kind of shocking even to me.  She's practically Happy Dog's mascot.  James lets her ride shotgun with him and that is unheard of.  She is right now pressed up against him and he's not moving away.  They love each other and it's not surprising.  She is the pug that launched a thousand ships, conqueror of the heart, the light that overcomes the darkness by mere existence.  Lily Jean radiates.  In short, she is the ultimate little dog and anyone who meets her immediately knows it.

It's like Josie's mom said, this isn't good bye exactly.  I know I will see them again, but I want you all to know their absence will not go unnoticed and no one can take their place.  Not now, not ever.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

4th of July (7/4/2012)

This is just a reminder that we will be off for the 4th of July.  Again, this does not effect boarding dogs.  For anyone who ends up needing care, the holiday charge of $20 per scheduled service will apply.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Meet beautiful Sarita

Sarita is a very sweet female hound mix who is looking for a home. She can be shy,but warms up quickly to anyone who has a love for animals. She is a rescue from Puerto Rico and is about eight years old. The woman who rescued her found out that she had been badly abused. She can get frightened in new  situations.but with patience, time, and care she will come around to being more relaxed. Loud noises and thunder continue to be a problem for her. By giving her Rescue Remedy for dogs, other flower essences, along with a small amount of zanex, which effectively relaxes her, she calms down over time. She is very happy to be around non-aggressive dogs. Living with another dog or dog friendly cat would be ideal, and / or a quiet home with anyone who loves animals would make her very happy. Her diet now is cooked chicken and rice, which is easy on her stomach. She can probably be introduced to a dog food that has limited ingredients.

If you or someone you know is looking for a nice calm girl like Sarita, please get in touch with me and let me know.  Thanks!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fun in the yard


Wait, let me back up a little here so you understand this exasperated proclamation...

For quite some time now I have been trying to get video of the dogs, any of them, playing in the yard.  They would begin but as soon as I took out my phone and turned on the video, everyone would stop playing and wander around all bored or cram themselves up on the porch.  Didn't matter where I was standing or what I was doing.  I thought it was my body language, so I changed it.  I tried sneaking video from up on the porch, standing in the yard amongst them all natural like, standing on my head on a Thursday before the hawk cries thrice and the meat man comes to market, without making eye contact, without facing in their direction.  It was ridiculous.

Well not anymore!!  I AM VIDEO VICTORIOUS!!  And this means you are as well!

Sorry about the grainy quality, I was so excited to get video, I never even thought to grab a better quality machine.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Memorial Day (5/28/2012)

This is just a reminder that we will be off for Memorial Day.  Again, this does not effect boarding dogs.  For anyone who ends up needing care, the holiday charge of $20 per scheduled service will apply.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pet Health and Policies

Hello!  I thought it would be helpful to clarify some things that some of you might not be aware of due to implementation of policies.  From now on I will be posting this type of information here so it is easily found if a future reference is needed, and as always I will send out an email alerting you to any new information entered.

How Your Pets Health Affects Happy Dog

Much in the same way you would keep yourself home from work, or your child home from school, if he/she was showing the following symptoms, please use the same discretion when regarding your dog(s).

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive mucus from the eyes and nose
  • coughing and/or sneezing
  • any sudden or serious changes in behavior (lethargy, appetite, signs of pain, etc.)
  • parasites of any kind

A lot of people are surprised to find out that canine illnesses (much like human illnesses) are highly communicable through regular close quarter contact such as playing or riding in the car together.  So in the interest of keeping everyones pets as healthy and happy as possible, we would appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible if you notice any of those symptoms.

Any signs of limping, lameness or any type of motor coordination issues should immediately be brought to our attention so we can address the correct course of action.

24 Hour Cancellation Policy

We are aware that life can get hectic and no one has 100% control over the events of their day, however, we ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice for cancellation of any previously scheduled service.  Unfortunately, in the event of last minute cancellations you will be charged 50% of the scheduled service. This is partly due to a limited capacity to overnights and playgroups and time constraints.  Our playgroups, overnights and walks are scheduled in a way to provide optimal customer service to avoid untimely pick up/drop off, shortened walks and/or overbooking.

I am aware a lot of these policies are new, as in the past it was pretty free form, so here is a link to Happy Dog's policies page:  Happy Dog Policies  At your convenience, please take a moment to look them over, because no one likes surprises.  Unless it's a birthday party.  :)

As always any questions, comment or concerns can be directed to me via telephone or email:

(617) 448 2310

Saturday, May 12, 2012


We have been busy little bees over here at the Happy Dog homestead and the progress has been quite noticeable.  I think you are all going to like this as much as I do.  

The yard.  It needed a bit of an overhaul and really, what is better than a tidy yard?  There are people who devote the entire rest of their lives to the perfect yard.  I've met them.  It's intense.  Now don't get me wrong, we're not the all crabgrass and clover must die types but we do enjoy seeing a pretty little yard when we step outside with everybody.  There is still a little ways to go but we have accomplished some of the most important aspects.  

After a little discussion, we decided we wanted the fencing whiter and higher.  As I can be pretty neurotic and give everything far too much credit, I wanted a fence that never made me question its' purpose, which we all know is to keep things in or out.  We both wanted something that when we looked out at it, it made our light sensitive eyes pleased with what was being taken in.

We chose lattice because it's inexpensive with a decent amount of strength to it.  Also, we have started some seeds of flowering vines and the vines will love weaving in and out of the lattice.  Sunflowers are coming up in the back right corner.  We're hoping it will be an explosion of color at some point.

Side Note:  While looking over these pictures, you are ignoring the lawn.  It has been seeded so I'm hoping grass will fill in the bald spots very soon.  In fact, I was out there this morning checking out all the new growth!  :)

Now, before we get started I would love to be all I'm the champion of fence builders! But credit must be given where credit is due, and Anthony has handled most of the installation and painting.  He's a machine. While I was out caring for pets, he was home taking care of business.

The following pictures are before and after with a little explanation.  

Back fence.  Looking directly off the back porch

Back fence.  Painted and lattice added to the top

Front left side fence.  Looking from the back to the front, opposite the gate.

Front left side fence.  Painted and lattice added

Side fence.   To the right as you come in the gate.
Side fence.  Painted, lattice added to the top.  

Side and back fencing before

Side and back fencing after
There is a lot more to it, but I believe these to be the pictures that help to show the more obvious progress.  I'm pretty psyched about the whole thing because now the dogs can run amok without a second thought from us and that is always more fun, wouldn't you say?  

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hey there!  Since we know all of you so well I thought it would be a great idea to start this blog off with a little introductory of sorts.  It seems only fair. You know a little about me from the website itself, but what is the rest of the story?  Who is behind the scenes?  And you know what?  The people have a right to know!

I, Joy Higgins, will be the keeper of this here blog so I will begin with me and my canine companions and work my way down the list.  Enjoy.

I spent most of my childhood on the south shore (Plymouth area) until I moved to the Boston area in my  mid teens.  As much as I enjoy the solitude and the offering of frequent wooded walks of the suburbs, my true love is city life.  It's good to be back.

I am a dog enthusiast so I feel like I have finally answered my true calling by assuming the ownership of Happy Dog.  Ever since getting my first Hamster (Spike) at the age of 6, I have adored animals of all kinds.  I have had many different kinds of pets from rats, snakes, an iguana, ferrets to the more typical dogs, cats, fish and birds.  I have worked in stables, veterinary offices, shelters, rescues, grooming salons, boarding facilities and dog daycares.  I will continue my personal search for knowledge in regards to dog behavior and hope to take classes on behavior in the near future.

Jimmy aka Jim aka The James aka Jimminy aka Brother
aka Seamus O'Mally aka Oldie One (Kanobie) aka Bro
Jimmy came into my life at the age of 3 months.  I was running a pit bull rescue from my home at the time.  Some college kids, who took him in when they found him tied in the woods, realized they couldn't keep up with him.  He was a high strung menace.  After seeing what a horrible puppy he was and interviewing countless possible owners, I was convinced he'd probably just be found tied up in the woods again.  I decided to keep him and work with him and though the first few years were tough, we got through it.  I do not regret that decision.  We have been together 12 years now and he is just the greatest dog anyone could ask for.  We have moved all over, driven across the country numerous times and through it all he has been a steadfast and incredible companion.

Tabitha aka Tabbie aka Tab aka TabTab aka TB aka Pretty Face
aka Twinkle Toes aka Sparkle Toes aka Crazy Face aka Ladyfriend

Tabitha was adopted from a Adopt-A-Bull in Tucson AZ at the age of 9 weeks.  I was living in Scottsdale at the time and was looking for a friend for the James when I came across her puppy picture on Pet Finder and instantly fell in love.  She may look like a toughie but we recommend you don't go believing the hype and getting all Judgie McJudgster on us.  She is one of the most sensitive and polite dogs I have ever met. I really don't think she has a mean bone in her body.  Tabitha is now 5 years old and has a couple of accomplishments under her belt.  She has accompanied me to elderly homes and has even done some agility.  She has always joined James and I on all of our adventures and is a fantastic friend to us both.

Herbert aka Herber Berber aka The Herbs aka Herbie
Herbert was quite literally rescued from the clutches of death as a dog I was walking almost ate him and then I almost went to give him a little kick off the sidewalk as I assumed he was something that should not be eaten.  As he was roaming about on a hot sidewalk without any access to water and the temperature was going to drop a lot that evening, I picked him up and brought him home.  He started out in a tupperware container set up but we will soon be moving up in the world to a 55 gallon tank where he will further learn how to hunt. Once he is large enough that everything in the world can't eat him, we will release him into the wild where he belongs. He has a voracious appetite for flies and worms and, as you can see, lies under his basking light like he is playing superman. 

See you next time folks!